Thursday, July 31, 2014

30 Day Makeup Challenge

Hello Lovelies! As a way to help me expand my makeup routine I've decided to start a 30 day challenge. Each Day has a new way to spice up the look while still allowing creativity.
I divided the days into smaller groups to help me really focus on playing up on part of my face or working on that one concept.
The first day I wanted a bases to see what my everyday look is to compare between the rest of the days.
The 2nd thru 4th day are to real focus on the eyes and to try some different techniques.
the 5th thru 9th day are focus in on lips (I rarely if ever put makeup on my lips so I gave the lips a few extra days more then the eyes cause they could use a little extra tlc).
The 10th thru the 15th day is to focus in on the colors and see what works best with your skin tone and eyes.
the 16th thru the 21st  are to help with finding inspiration through other objects and helping creativity.
The 22nd thru the 25th are color schemes to play around with. With my paintings I play around with colors figuring out which look good together which often surprises me what works stuff you never think would look amazing together.
The 26th thru the 30th are the fun days they are to help me be more adventurous and do somethings I've been wanting to try for a while and have either been to busy or too tired to do.
What do y'all think? Anyone willing to join me? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nails Intricate and Uncomplicated

Hello lovelies! Today I decided I wanted to finally repaint my nails. They had been painted by Abby, a sweet little girl that I babysit.

While I thought they were pretty darn cute - because she did them all on her own - my mother oh-so-lovingly pointed out that I'm going to need a fresh coat before I take these hands back out into the light of day, i.e. work.

The Process wasn't too difficult
  1. I put on a red coat of polish.
  2. I put 2-3 coats depending on the transparency of the polish. 
  3. After the red polish dried, I began to design. I grabbed black polish and drew several squiggles across each nail.
  4. Next I added some ovals that tapered to a point on various places along the lines to create leaves. On the first finger, I threw in a bird, just for fun.
So, readers, what do you think? Have I done my nails up enough to sufficiently impress my mother and my boss? Leave your thoughts in the comments below and have a beautiful day!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Inspiration and Aspirations

Lately I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life. I am at a pivotal point in which I have the ability to decide which direction I want to take. I just finished my first year of college and had a blast! I took some classes that were both challenging and rewarding in their own special way. One class that I took was anatomy and physiology. That was one of the hardest classes I have taken thus far in my life. School has always been super easy for me and with that class I actually had to study for once! However when I actually did find the motivation to study (which rarely happened; procrastination for the win!) I LOVED learning about the body and how it worked and what things are called. This made me question if I really know what I want to do with my life 
Since I was around 13-14 I knew I wanted to be a makeup artist on movies sets. I think that being able to completely change a person with makeup is so fascinating! Art has always been a huge part of my life as I have been painting since I was ten years old (painting take a lot of patience for a little ten year old, let me tell you) and makeup is just like painting only its on a 3d canvas. However the question holds, should I stick with the passion I found at a young age and continue pursuing my art degree or should I go with the new found one and become a nurse or possibly a doctor? 
I don't think there is no reason why I couldn't combine both of the things I love into one awesome career. I am gonna be doing this for the rest of my life and I should be able to make it be something that I love cause what else is life for other than too enjoy!
This leads to why I created this blog. This blog is going be a tool for me to be able to remain inspired to do makeup and nails and hopefully through this process I will be able to find a way to do what I love most.